Exploring Past Lives - A Journey into the Hidden Realms of the Soul

(SELF-PACED - Complete on your own time, at your own convenience)

“All the records of your past lives are contained within your own mind, just as the records of your ancestors are contained within your DNA.”
~ Frederick Lenz

Have you considered the possibility that your past lives may be impacting your present life?

Join Alishia to investigate the clues around you in your current life that are powerful links to your past lifetimes and how past life knowledge can be used to help heal problems/struggles in your present life. This course consists of a downloadable workbook and 7 videos. The 7th video (Module 7) includes a guided visualization to visit one of your past lives and you can do this guided journey as many times as you wish to visit multiple past lifetimes!

Included in this Program

● A 28 page Printable PDF Workbook for you to download and work through as you watch each video

● 7 Videos Recorded by Alishia:
        - Module 1: First Steps (Length: 7 min, 35 sec)
        - Module 2: Daily Clues (Length: 24 min, 43 sec)
        - Module 3: Childhood, Places & Cultures Around the World (Length: 19 min, 36 sec)
        - Module 4: Dreams (Length: 12 min, 45 sec)
        - Module 5: Relationships & Health (Length: 24 min, 23 sec)
        - Module 6: Essential Oils, Crystals & Self-Guided Meditation (Length: 17 min, 34 sec)
        - Module 7: Past Life Guided Visualization Journey (Length: 30 min, 55 sec)

Date/Timing for Completion

There is no fixed date - this is a self-guided, self-paced course. Your participation in this program is from the comfort of your own home you get to journey through this program at your own pace and you can watch the videos as many times as you wish and take as long or as little time to complete this course (you have lifetime access!).

Once you Enroll...

You will be directed to create a log in/password to access the course platform where you can download your workbook and watch the videos at your own pace.


"I just finished the past lives modules!!! I enjoyed every module and questions along the way. The final guided past life journey was very insightful and your message that for things to be healed they must be released is so true. You did such an AMAZING job with the videos and the course guide. Thank you so much for your support in my past life journey!"
- Anna B.

Your Past Life Journey Guide:


Dr. Alishia M. Alibhai is a Social Psychologist, Soul Coaching® Trainer, Past Life Coach, Essential Oil Educator, International Speaker and Reiki Master/Teacher. Her soul's mission is to guide people on their journey towards personal growth, healing and transformation and to support them in creating a life aligned with their innermost desires.

Course Curriculum


"Alishia gave an excellent overview of past life regression and I found her to be such a warm and engaging speaker!" - Anonymous

"Thank you so much for introducing me to the world of soul work and past lives. Your presence has been a blessing."
- Teresa (Calgary, AB)

Course Pricing

Exploring Past Lives

$72 CAD

  • One-time payment

Enroll Now

Refund Policy

Kindly understand that since you receive access to all materials once you register, all payments are non-refundable. Thank you.

“Your Soul has quite a story to tell. Sometimes the patterns in your life that won’t heal, despite your best efforts, are actually your Soul trying to get your attention. Once you go back and release the past, you become free in this lifetime to move on.”
 ~ Alana Fairchild